Tips to Help Retain Your Employees

Michele Warg
Posted by in Management & Business

After you hire your ideal candidate, the goal is to not only fulfill the immediate needs of your company but to have that person stay at the company for many years. The time and money that is involved with training a new employee is very costly especially if the employee decides to leave the company within a short amount of time. Retaining your employees is critical to the health and success of your business. Below are some tips to help you retain your employees and get the most out of your recruitment investment: • Acknowledge accomplishments often, no matter how big or small. You can recognize individual or team accomplishments in a public or private manner. It is important to recognize accomplishments and ensure that each team-member is appreciated for all of their efforts and hard work. Monetary compensation is not required or your only option. A simple “Thank you”, time-off or one-on-one lunches are also welcome alternatives. • Keep apprised of current salaries and compensation packages for various positions within your industry. Compensation and benefits are always important factors to each employee. It is important to continue to review current trends to be sure that your offerings are aligned with other companies in your industry. • Make your employees feel like they are apart of the team. Involve employees in plans and decisions especially those that affect them. Make them know that their opinion and ideas matter. • Set aside time whether it’s once a month or every other week to talk to employees to make sure they are satisfied with their job responsibilities, answer any questions they have, or discuss any concerns. You want to make sure that they feel they can talk openly to you whether it’s business or personal in nature. • Treat all employees equally and fairly. If an employee notices that one of their co-workers is getting special treatment, this will cause uneasy feelings amongst other employees. • Keep it fresh. Create new ways to ensure your employees continue to learn and grow within their related field and your company. • Fine tune your company’s corporate culture. Employees will appreciate working for companies that offer a relaxed dress code and flexible work schedules. Flexible work schedules show that you want to help your employees maintain a healthy balance between work and their home life. • Make work a fun environment. People not only want to enjoy their job, but also coming into work each day. Schedule time whether it’s once a month or once a week to plan a fun activity for your employees to take a break from their work and have some fun. Hopefully by utilizing these tips you will be able to retain your best employees and build a lasting relationship with them. Stay tuned for more tips at a later time!

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  • Kassi
    Very true! It's a change to see someone spell it out like that.
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