Give Thanks, Get Hired

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Should you send a thank-you note to a hiring manager after a job interview? While some people have their reservations, many experts agree that a thank-you note can improve your chances of getting hired.

Sending a thank-you note to an employer who has invited you to interview for a role is a sign of good manners. Taking the time to say thank you shows that you are a considerate person who is grateful for the opportunities they have. Your courtesy also demonstrates that you know how to behave professionally. All these factors combine to give the employer a good impression of you, which could improve your chance of getting hired.

You should send a thank-you note as soon as possible after the job interview. If you wait more than a couple of days to send a thank-you note, then the hiring decision could already have been made, which means that your note has no impact. Waiting also suggests that you are not really that interested in the job, which is definitely not the impression you want to communicate. Send your thank-you note as soon as you arrive home from the interview.

Most people send a thank-you note by email, but sometimes a handwritten note can be a nice touch. If you choose to send a note by mail, make sure you write and send it immediately after the interview, so that it arrives quickly. Make sure your handwriting is legible before you choose this option. In general, mailed letters often have a more positive impact in formal, professional organizations, whereas companies with a more casual environment might prefer a simple email.

Does sending a thank-you note make you seem desperate? Most experts say no. While a thank-you note can't make up for a terrible interview, it does show that you are polite and professional, which can only be good things from a potential employer's point of view. It also shows that you have a strong interest in the job, which is what employers want from the people they hire.

Don't spend too long worrying about what to write in a post-interview thank-you note. Simply thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet you, reaffirm your interest in the role, and end with your name and contact details. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, so even just these few simple words can leave the hiring manager with a warm feeling about you.

Whether you send a thank-you note by email or by traditional mail, the most important thing is to send it. Sending a thank-you note as soon as possible after the interview demonstrates your interest in the job, as well as showing that you know how to communicate politely and professionally.


Photo courtesy of Naypong at



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